Over the last four years, the federal government’s ability to make science-based decisions deteriorated. Having an administration that ignored science led to widespread “brain drain” at agencies as staff left their positions and were not always replaced.
Low-income communities and communities of color, who already face the disproportionate burden of health and environmental hazards, have been made even more unsafe as scientific capacity and enforcement of environmental regulations dwindled.
We know that confronting our nation’s most pressing problems, from the coronavirus pandemic to climate change, requires federal agencies operating at full capacity with the scientists they need to carry out their mission.
As a science advocate, call on Congress to strengthen the scientific workforce in federal agencies.
Congress should also act to help federal agencies diversify their workforce and revitalize the recruitment pipeline that brings scientists into federal science jobs.
Door Trump ontslagen wetenschappers, moeten worden aangenomen en zo snel mogelijk weer aan het werk. !
The Union of Concerned Scientists