Overgenomen: Door Darren Byler and Carolina Sanchez Boe.
The Guardian.com
Tech-enabled ‘terror capitalism’ is spreading worldwide. The surveillance regimes must be stopped.
Terror capitalism justifies the exploitation of subjugated populations by defining them as potential terrorists or security threats. It primarily generates profits in three interconnected ways. First, lucrative state contracts are given to private corporations to build and deploy policing technologies that surveil and manage target groups. Then, using the vast amounts of biometric and social media data extracted from those groups, the private companies improve their technologies and sell retail versions of them to other states and institutions, such as schools. Finally, all this turns the target groups into a ready source of cheap labor – either through direct coercion or indirectly through stigma.
The people being targeted by terror capitalism include entire stateless groups, such as ethnic Bengalis in north-east India and Palestinian Arabs. They are almost always from minority or refugee populations, especially Muslim ones. While the Chinese system is unique in terms of its scale and the depth of its cruelty, terror capitalism is an American invention, and it has taken root around the world.
Laten we helder zijn, zij geven aan dat de amerikanen op het idee kwamen: gevangenissen op basis van een verdienmodel: toevallig zwarte amerikanen die tegen een kleine vergoeding voor de telefoonkosten, slavenarbeid verrichten voor de eigenaren die er flink aan verdienen.
The companies that have developed China’s policing technologies are now selling them to police units and regional governments in Zimbabwe, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, the Philippines and many other locations.
Meanwhile, across Europe and North America, terror-capital surveillance tools have placed hundreds of thousands of Muslims on watchlists as part of Countering Violent Extremism programs. In the United States, immigration control measures taken in the aftermath of 9/11 have paved the way for a system that monitors and controls asylum seekers who enter the country at the southern border.
Doel uiteraard: controle: vroeger: enkel band met GPS, smartphone-info verzamelen van data (5G en straks 6G), uitlezen van sociale media, laatste stadium biotechnologie: nano-chip onder de huid. Elke persoon is met behulp van satelieten traceerbaar en kan dus ook worden uitgeschakeld indien nodig, of worden geinterneerd, cq te werkgesteld bij corporations in Amerika, China (mogelijk dezelfde).
Het is geen toekomst muziek. In de analyses van de overheidsdiensten is al lang meegenomen dat oproer gaat ontstaan door voedseltekort, klimaatgerelateerde rampen, werklozen, anti-fascisten versus ultra-rechtse rascisten, enz. Dit heeft de techindustrie wereldwijd aan het werk gezet. Een optimaal verdienmodel.
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