Daily Koss, 26 maart 2020.


Amazon is endangering its workers during the coronavirus outbreak! Workers in at least nine warehouses have already tested positive.
Amazon must be responsible and provide all of its workers fully paid leave now. Amazon is one of the largest and wealthiest companies in the world. Throughout the coronavirus crisis, Amazon has positioned itself as a new essential service for the technological era. But the services it offers wouldn’t exist without the thousands of workers that provide them directly. What’s truly essential in this global pandemic is allowing people to protect the health and wellbeing of themselves and their families. As schools shut down, hospitals fill, and states adopt protective measures, workers must be able to take care of their loved ones and avoid spreading this virus.

COVID-19 has disrupted society on a level our country has never faced. It’s made one truth abundantly clear: paid leave should be a right, not a privilege.
The health of our nation lies in people being able to stay home AND still care for their families. Amazon workers, including grocery workers at subsidiaries like Whole Foods, should be no exception.
Amazon’s warehouse workers, delivery workers, and workers at its subsidiaries, are being forced to work on the frontlines of this crisis. They deserve paid leave now.