The downfal of Venezuela
Excerpt from the report of Alfred de Zayas

Economic sanctions and crimes against humanity

In his report, aside, the independent expert stressed that the economic sanctions against Venezuela, ordered by the United States,
and the European Union, “contravene the spirit and letter of the
Charter of the United Nations” because “they affect innocent

In this regard, he enumerated the various condemnations by the bodies
of the United Nations against coercive measures, such as those applied
against the Bolivarian Republic, among which he highlighted the
resignation of two deputy-secretary-generals of the UN during the 1990s,
in protest against the sanctions against Iraq that caused the death of 1
million people, which they described as a “form of genocide.”

According to de Zayas, in the Venezuelan case, the “effects of the
Obama and Trump sanctions, as well as the unilateral measures by Canada
and the European Union, have directly and indirectly worsened the
shortage of drugs, such as insulin and antiretrovirals, which has caused
delays in its distribution and caused aggravation in numerous death

One of the cases he gave as an example was
Colombia’s refusal to deliver anti-malaria drugs to combat an outbreak of the disease in November 2017. This, in his opinion, makes Colombia and the international community that did not condemn this act, co-responsible for the aggravation of the crisis in

According to the report, this type of consequences can be considered
as “crimes against humanity” under Article 7 of the Rome Statute, which
states: “An attack on a civilian population shall be understood as a
line of conduct involving the commission of multiple acts mentioned
against a civilian population, in accordance with the policy of a State
or an organization to commit that attack.”

Zoeken op UN rapport on Venezuela by Alfred de Zavas

Opeenvolgende amerikaanse regeringen hebben in Latijns Amerika opkomende democratieën geweldadig om zeep geholpen. Denk Chili, Nicaraqua, Elsalvador, Bolivia….. In plaats daarvan steunen ze dictators en kijken ze weg of nemen deel aan het vermoorden van talloze burgers en activisten. Ze profiteren van de grondstoffen en rijkdommen van de landen.